I found a few more style sheets that were either ready to use or easily adaptable to the osm2pgsql schema:
- “Pencil” by AH Ashton of Mabpox
- “Space station” by Eleanor Lutz of Mabpox
- “Blossom” style by Steffen Kühne
The Pencil Style was originally created by AH Ashton of Mapbox.
As it originally used the Mapbox Streets data source I had to convert it to retrieve layer data from the osm2pgsql schema instead.
Space Station
The Space Station style was created by Eleanor Lutz of Mapbox.
Again I had to convert the style for its data layers to fetch data from the osm2pgsql schema instead of Mapbox Streets.
The Blossom style was created by Stefan Kühne and is based on the Mapbox Bright and Flickrs Pandonia style.
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