would you please get in touch with me via hartmut@get-map.org ?
I see some 40+ failed attempts now, so I’d like to discuss with you what you are trying to achieve and to find out why your geoJSON files are not being accepted by the renderer.
Month: January 2025
Map style updates
I’m going over the different map styles installed on this service right now, to get those that are still actively maintained up to the most recent version.
So far I have updated:
- the “Baumkarte” style – an OSM carto variant focused on detail information on trees and allotment sites at high zoom levels
- the Belgian variant of the OSM carto style which had been re-done completely
Next to follow are:
- the CyclOSM style
- the OpenOrienteering styles
- the OpenStreetMap Carto standard styles
- …
Fixed: Some Hillshading currently broken
I was a bit too quick cleaning up some files, so hillshading and reliefs as currently not working.
I still have the necessary files, but as the backup box is connected to the interwebs via DSL only it may take a few hours to fully restore these.
Update: all hillshade and relief files have been restored