would you please get in touch with me via hartmut@get-map.org ?
I see some 40+ failed attempts now, so I’d like to discuss with you what you are trying to achieve and to find out why your geoJSON files are not being accepted by the renderer.
Map style updates
I’m going over the different map styles installed on this service right now, to get those that are still actively maintained up to the most recent version.
So far I have updated:
- the “Baumkarte” style – an OSM carto variant focused on detail information on trees and allotment sites at high zoom levels
- the Belgian variant of the OSM carto style which had been re-done completely
Next to follow are:
- the CyclOSM style
- the OpenOrienteering styles
- the OpenStreetMap Carto standard styles
- …
Fixed: Some Hillshading currently broken
I was a bit too quick cleaning up some files, so hillshading and reliefs as currently not working.
I still have the necessary files, but as the backup box is connected to the interwebs via DSL only it may take a few hours to fully restore these.
Update: all hillshade and relief files have been restored
Maintenance status
* OS upgraded to Debian 12
* MapOSMatic installation updated
* * running latest code now
* * Django version upgraded from 3.2 to 4.2
* * finally using a proper Pyhton virtualenv setup
* Main OSM rendering database re-imported
* map styles adjusted for Mapnik renderer changes
* stylesheet upgrades
* * CyclOSM v0.3.7 -> v0.6
* WayMarkedTrails database reimport
* re-enabling minutely OSM data updates
Still ongoing / pending
* fix OpenRailwayMap overlay
* Map stylesheet upgrades
* Munin graphs
* fixing the Weblate translation service
* …
Upcoming maintenance May 17. – 20.
There have been some minor service hickups lately, so over the next weekend I’ll do some maintenance work, starting on Friday afternoon (ca. 15:00 UTC).
If all goes well the service should be fully restored by early Sunday, but I planned for the full extended holiday weekend until Monday evening, just in case.
Things to do:
* upgrade the OS from Debian 11 to 12
* re-import of the full osm planet database to fight data bloat
* rollout of latest MapOSMatic and Ocitysmap versions
* finally getting the Weblate translation service running again
* testing
There were some prior compatibility issues with Debian 12 when switched the server from Ubuntu to Debian last summer, these I’ve now fixed so running the latest stable release is now possible.
Which branch are we on?
Re-Edit finally arriving …
So far a previous map request could be chosen for re-render, but only with the very same settings as originally chosen.
Now there’s finally a “Reedit” button along with the “Recreate” one, allowing you to chose an existing map and then going through the edit dialogs with the original choices being pre-selected, but changeable.
Disclaimer: this is still work in progress, it works well for geographic area selection, but there is only limited support for maps based on a chosen administrative area, and any uploaded files will no longer be present.
300 000+ Maps rendered
I actually missed this happening until now, actually it was a bit more than a week ago already that this service crossed the threshold of 300K maps rendered 🙂
Status updates
Several things that happened after the July server update, but never got mentioned yet:
- map list and detail pages now show the map queue a map job is assigned to, and lists can be filtered by queue
- on file upload you can now choose “delete after render”, and even preserved uploads will eventually be purged after a year max.
- while a map is rendered more detailed status updates than just “rendering” will be shown, giving some insight into rendering progress
- individual rendered files are displayed as soon as they are ready, and not just after all files have completely been generated
- multi colored GPX tracks now also work in the multi page format
- an Umap overlay style regression introduced by the earlier rewrite has been fixed, markers are now shown using correct style information again
- OpenStreetMap Carto default map style has been upgraded from version 5.2.0 to current 5.7.0 release
- as the v5.7 database schema is no loner fully backwards compatible with all the other stiles there are now two planet databases in parallel, one for Openstreetmap cart, and one for all the other styles
- restored the 100m resolution contour lines style
Server reinstall
After running the current machine for almost two and a half years now I decided it was time for an operating system update and some cleanups, including a fresh OSM data re-import. While I was on it I also switched from Ubuntu to Debain, as I had already done for my development / test VMs for a while now.
The migration is mostly complete now, things currently still missing are:
* The local Weblate translation instance is not back yet. I’m not sure what the actual problem is here and need to read myself into the topic once more, this may take another week or two.
* The OpenArdenneStyle and some of the OpenOrienteeringMap styles are still disabled for now due to problems, these should be back by the end of the week latest
* Some of the images in this blog got lost (I would like to blame WordPress, but have to confess that it was completely my fault after all)
If you find any other problem that I may not be aware of yet please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via hartmut@get-map.org